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At the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP26), Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi announced Mission LiFE, to bring individual behaviours at the forefront of the global climate action narrative.

LiFE envisions replacing the prevalent 'use-and-dispose' economy—governed by mindless and destructive consumption—with a circular economy, which would be defined by mindful and deliberate utilization. The Mission intends to nudge individuals to undertake simple acts in their daily lives that can contribute significantly to climate change when embraced across the world.

LiFE plans to leverage the strength of social networks to influence social norms surrounding climate. The Mission plans to create and nurture a global network of individuals, namely ‘Pro-Planet People’ (P3), who will have a shared commitment to adopt and promote environmentally friendly lifestyles. Through the P3 community, the Mission seeks to create an ecosystem that will reinforce and enable environmentally friendly behaviours to be self-sustainable.


Approach of LiFE Campaign


Focus on Individual Behaviours

Make life a mass movement (Jan Andolan) by focusing on behaviours and attitudes of individuals and communities


Co-create Globally

Crowdsource empirical and scalable ideas from the best minds of the world, through top universities, think tanks and international organisations


Leverage Local Cultures

Leverage climate-friendly social norms, beliefs and daily household practices of different cultures worldwide to drive the campaign

Individual Action is the core of Climate Responsibility

The average carbon footprint of a person in India is 0.56 tonnes per year, compared to the global average of 4 tonnes. India's traditional knowledge, social norms and daily household practices strongly positions it to lead the narrative of addressing climate change through individual behaviours, in the form of a mass movement (Jan Andolan), LiFE.


LiFE Global Call for Ideas

In this context, NITI Aayog (Behavioural Insights Unit) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MOEFCC), in partnership with the United Nations, World Resources Institute, Centre for Social and Behaviour Change (CSBC) and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), are inviting ideas from across the world for one of the following, or related, areas:

  1. Behaviour-change solutions aimed at individuals, households and communities to drive climate-friendly behaviours in sectors, including, but not limited to:
    1. Water
    2. Transport
    3. Food
    4. Electricity
    5. Waste Management
    6. Sustainability
    7. Recycle
    8. Reuse
  2. Innovative solutions that promote wider adoption of traditional, climate-friendly, sustainable practices and/or create livelihood options for communities that may lose their jobs with a shift towards climate-friendly production.
  3. International, national and/or local best practices that can be feasibly scaled-up for driving behaviour change related to climate action.

Authors of the accepted ideas will be invited to present their work during an international conference in India (the details of the conference will be announced at a later stage).

Participants are strongly encouraged to submit empirically informed and measurable ideas that can offer implementable solutions while having the potential to be published in reputed academic journals.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is LiFE Global Call for Ideas and Papers?

    The Global Call for Ideas and Papers is a platform for global scholars to share scalable and innovative ideas that can encourage individuals and communities to adopt climate-friendly and sustainable behaviours. A sample list of such behaviours is here.

    For example: To nudge individuals towards consuming less electricity in their households, the design of their electricity bills can be modified to reflect the average consumption of their residential areas.

  2. Are there any priority sectors for the LiFE Global Call for Ideas?

    You may consider the following areas for your solutions:

    1. Water
    2. Transport
    3. Food
    4. Electricity
    5. Waste Management
    6. Sustainability
    7. Recycle
    8. Reuse
  3. Who can participate or submit ideas?

    The Global Call for Ideas and Papers is open to all individuals around the world. Scholars can submit ideas as individuals or as a team of maximum three people. Your RAs/students can be a part of your team. The team can be cross-institutional, including academic and private institutions. One team can submit multiple ideas.

  4. What are the qualification criteria for submitting ideas or papers?

    Participants should have a minimum of a graduate degree or currently pursuing it, regardless of the education stream.

  5. Can a team be formed from 2 or 3 different institutions?

    Yes, teams can be formed from 2 or 3 different institutions, including academic and private institutions, as long as the team size is limited to 3 persons.

  6. What kind of ideas can be submitted?

    Ideas that provide innovative solutions promoting wider adoption of traditional, climate-friendly or sustainable practices or create livelihood options with a shift towards climate-friendly production. These solutions can be aimed at individuals, households, or communities.

    Participants are strongly encouraged to submit empirically-informed and measurable ideas that can offer implementable solutions while having the potential to be published in reputed academic journals.

  7. How can I submit my ideas?

    You may submit your idea and team details using this form. It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete all the details.

  8. What are the timelines for the submission of ideas?

    You can submit your ideas here till 31st December 2022 at 11:59 PM IST. If your idea is shortlisted, you will receive 60 days to provide additional details.

  9. Who would evaluate the papers submitted, and how would the evaluation process work?

    An expert evaluation committee consisting of global leaders in the fields of climate change, behaviour change, and public policy will evaluate the submissions. The ideas would be measured on feasibility, specificity of the behaviours, scientific rigour, and innovation.

  10. How will I be notified if my idea is shortlisted?

    Team LiFE will reach out to you on the email IDs you have shared in case you are selected.

  11. What is the award if my idea is amongst the top 5 selected ideas?
    1. Ambassador for LiFE award at COP 28
    2. USD 25,000 to test and pilot their idea(s) in India
    3. Opportunity to present at the Global LiFE conference in India
    4. End-to-end implementation support from NITI Aayog and MoEFCC to scale ideas

    In addition, select top ideas will be included in the LiFE Global Compendium.

    Disclaimer: The award(s) given to the eligible winners are not transferable, redeemable for cash or exchangeable for any other prize. If the award cannot be given for any reason, the organizing team reserves the right to substitute it with another award at its sole discretion.

  12. What is the award if my idea is amongst the top 100?

    Select top ideas will be included in the LiFE Global Compendium, which is to be released at the Global LiFE conference in India with the UN agencies.

  13. Who can I contact for further clarification regarding LiFE Global Call for Ideas?

    For further clarification, one can email

Application Details


Applications Open : 05th June 2022, 12:01 AM IST
Applications Close : 31st December 2022, 11:59 PM IST
Applications Process :

The Global Call for Ideas and Papers is receiving submissions in two phases.

  • Phase I: Brief description of the idea(s) and the team, to be submitted by December 31, 2022 through this form.
  • Phase II: Shortlisted teams to submit detailed ideas and corresponding literature review, along with proposed testing methodology, within 60 days of intimation about their shortlist.
Awards : Authors of the top 5 ideas will each be awarded with:
Disclaimer : The award(s) given to the eligible winners are not transferable, redeemable for cash or exchangeable for any other award. If the award cannot be given for any reason, organizing team reserves the right to substitute that award with another award in its sole discretion.
Contact Details

For any further information, please write to

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LiFE Global Call for Ideas

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Report Name Access
Mission Document for LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)
Who’s Who
Name Designation Email ID
Sh. Yugal Kishore Joshi Mission Director yugal[dot]joshi[at]gov[dot]in
Dr. Ashish Kumar Panda Deputy Secretary ak[dot]panda85[at]nic[dot]in